Friday, June 18, 2010


Is it just me or is class out of style? 

some girls just give me the heebie jeebies! maybe its a big practical joke, and i am getting played; because there is no way they honestly find that attractive. i mean its to the point where i am mad i even have to look at their pictures littering my pictures sometimes....ladies we have got to do better!

then i wonder if anyone ever even tells them...
probably not. do we stay quiet to protect their self esteem?
i know, at some point in my life i have done it before, i'll be honest. but personally, i believe letting them think that type of presentation to the world is okay ends up doing just the opposite.

 it devalues us.

 if you don't let them know the message they are sending then people will keep receiving the wrong one. 

other women are probably entertained by the demise of these types of girls and figure, less competition for them. i know some of us would watch our sisters continually decay into ill dressed cartoonization of what women aren't supposed to be, choosing not to uplift our misguided sisters with the truth, but instead leave them to their misconceptions with only so much as an 'smh'. 

i know.

i have done that  before, i won't lie. 

or maybe, nothing is said because in this day and age, honesty can sometimes be considered hating. and looking out for people gets confused with trying to tear them down.
 i know it does because you guessed it,  i got caught in that crossfire, as well.

but au contraire. no one said the truth was warm and fuzzy, or that growth was painless. even biologically, muscles have to be broken down to be built up.  sometimes it has to sting a little now to prevent it killing you later. some of us need to grow up, stop abusing the term "hating" just because we can't accept the facts because they cause us to examine ourselves, and somebody was bold enough to call us out. 

but i hate to see us come to this. so even so, i must share the truth, and grin and bear whatever comes with it.
oh naive ones, call me a hater if you must; but i will call out the er in our ways because i must.
women, come on! we are more than this. we bear humanity in our womb and stand as its backbone. 

what have we been reduced to? it sickens me to sit and watch people strive harder to become objects of sexual desire than self respect. some of us are becoming cruel jokes...and its not funny. 

is anyone as frustrated as i? the worst part is, some of you are reading this and are so prepared to point out or ponder who you know that fits this category when in fact, you may be one of them.

i am tired of the standard of no standard, renaming non-existent self-respect with sexual liberation and calling classlessness, sexy. 

i am tired of girls getting mad that men have attention spans as short as your dress and minds about as full as their push up, and wondering why a little of nothing is all they give when that is all you offer with your demeanor. 

some of us are walking, breathing, blasphemies because we were made in the image of God and grieve him when we know not our own beauty. i am tired of it. learn what sexy is. because what i have been seeing lately, is not it.

on that note, 
Love. Compassion. Royalty!
Qu3eN G

UNSEXY part I : What sexy is NOT!


i do NOT understand some females. just...i, how do you NOT KNOW certain things unsexy? 

you don't realize the way you carry yourself?
those triffling- no-imagination-needed- same pose pictures, is just NOT SEXY? some of us (women) are infamous for being trashy...literally. i had a conversation with a young man about a young lady, and for him and his friends, this type of behavior is synonymous with her name...not the fact that she is a pre-med major, or is a sweet girl who can hold a good conversation...but the crude ensembles and that out there behavior is what comes to mind when they bring her up. He knows she is cool to talk to. but that's not how she puts herself out there, so who pays attention to that when double d's and an open invitation to hook up after the club is on the table first? 

that is so SAD! 

Don't get it twisted! i am a fan of sexy. but there are somethings that just ARE NOT! there is an undeniable and quite discernible difference between being confident and comfortable enough in your own skin to show a little skin, and being so insecure or misguided that you carelessly display all your skin! everything works in moderation. its more than just the clothes, its the total package in the way some of us carry ourselves that is the problem. i mean i get upset at them for not getting upset at themselves! 
if you were commercial, i would SUE the advertisement company...except YOU ARE the advertisement company and you are selling yourself short!! think about it. if all that was there were snapshots of some of these girls, what do you presume most would think these girls are selling? what ARE they selling? don't they realize everyday you are on display whether you like it or not? do you have high value or are you just discount? do you have substance or are you just a sugar fix for a temporary high? 

the sad part is, despite how intelligent or intriguing they may be beneath it, they have already spoken louder than any words possibly could; we have been deafened to your greatness by tactless desperateness, and even with all that potential, the garbage being presented precedes everything.

don't get me wrong. somebody somewhere will find it attractive. i mean, guys are guys, we are all human and made of flesh. but if you present your body like that is all you have to offer, then thats what they will take it as. you may get quite a few ogles but at what cost? your dignity? and lets cut men some slack. yes, many are shallow, but many are not. and even if the cleavage and booty bearing caught their eye, chances are it won't maintain it if thats all there is. you should be going for the type of guy who will find it sexy when you are wearing glasses, pajama pants and his t-shirt. it is a different level of sexy. and newsflash, they DO like a woman who treats herself like she is more than her assets (you are attracting men who do, its pretty OBVIOUS something must change, and you don't want that type of man anyhow). 

yes its your body. which is why you should be taking better care of it. you parade it around as though its an empty shell, as though its zenith of glory comes from increase in libido after a man stares, and then wonder why you get treated the way you do. they won't treat your body like a temple if you treat it like product on sale, cheaper on the weekends. ultimately, you should be able to dress how you want and act how you want. just be prepared for the consequences. how can we tell them to respect us when we don't respect ourselves? how can we get mad when they treat us like hoe's when that's how we treat ourselves?

why do some girls try so hard? some of us fail to realize how desperate we appear, putting so much effort in trying to look/be/appear sexy when that just defeats the purpose? you become caricatures. you already have sexiness in you, let it naturally come out. the sexiest is always the effortless. it is most attractive when you are comfortable with yourself, no matter who you are. 

on that note, 
Love. Compassion. Royalty!
Qu3eN G

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


first posted 7/28/08

everyone talks about "haters". I have my own philosophy on haters, what they really are, how to identify them, how to discern honesty from hateration (just because they both start with an "h" DOES NOT MEAN  they are synonyms)...but that is for another blog at another time.

This was just my declaration to all those TRUE haters (even myself, because we have to realize sometimes WE can be our own biggest fall back); everyone and everything persecuting the woman in me that is striving to get out, all those dedicated to suppressing my inner queen...this is dedicated to you.

a bit of a project peace song called 'hater free zone':

my verse: 
wake up in tha mornin i'm just tryna get on my way. 
all intentions of doin right and before i speak already somethin to say. 
now i'm declarin an allergy, i'm hater free startin from today. [God & me], all i need . Negativity stay away!

hook: say the things you wanna say and do the things you wanna do just as long as your realize i'm already over you. run your mouth, hate on me, just realize your losing. get over yourself, im done playing your games, you've entered a hater free zone.

say the things you wanna say and do the things you wanna do just as long as your realize i'm already over you. run your mouth, hate on me, just realize your losing. quit if you don't mind, your just wastin my time, i am allergic to haters like you!

(written in high school, yet it will ALWAYS ring true!)
and to follow philosophy to negativity (updated)

" and please continue to
MAKE ASSUMPTIONS about who i am or who you perceive me to be; 
JUDGMENTS about who you believe i am supposed to be or what i am supposed to do; 
COMMENTS about my actions, decisions, demeanor, etc.; 
continue to 
PATRONIZE my failures
Because instead of achieving your goal of b/r/e/a/k/i/n/g me
or rising above me
or in your insecurities attempting to feel better about yourself 
by trying to decrease my self worth
you fail to realize that you are the exact fuel i need to keep my fire burning.
so THANK ^_^ YOU! and be persistent--->[because i have learned to L♥VE you and ask my God to Bless You].
all i will do is S M I L E :D
show me evil and i will CONTINUALLY show you love...not out of weakness our subserviency, but out of strength and wisdom. 
i REFUSE refuse to feed into your negativity
i REFUSE to let you absorb all my energy in holding malice in my heart towards you, wishing ill towards you
note these things are preceded by the possessive pronoun "my"...
meaning FOR ME
meaning I OWN THEM...your hateful words and deeds do not
i will feed you indifference for it is the best combat
i will feed you love because you so desperately need it
i will give glory to my God in times where my heart is heavy and you may think you have a chance at overcoming me...
God put TOO MUCH love in my heart, left only enough space for compassion and forgiveness...
there is no room for toxic hate. my body is a hate free temple, i am allergic.
GOD will remain my CORE, and HE is the only one i will ever look to for approval [yours will NEVER be needed]...

on that note, 
Love. Compassion. Royalty!
Qu3eN G