Thursday, September 16, 2010

I'm Back! I'm Sorry if you've missed me...

PRAISE THE LORD everybody!

Regardless of whatever situation we are in, it is GREAT to just inhale all the positivity, exhale all the negativity, and just be thankful! even in all our problems, issues, pain, or struggle, we are provided with the opportunity to turn every negative thing into a trial overcome! isn't that just wonderfully fabulous?
Okay, don't get me started on the Goodness of my God because I *highly doubt* I will stop!
This isn't meant to be a long post, just a post saying yes, I am alive and giving you all a little update. I have been away for a few months (not like, in Japan or something...just not blogging). This was for many reasons (one of them being i was everything but a slave to my current employer all summer, working ungodly hours!), but the most pertinent one was my personal debate on whether or not I would continue to blog. Safe to say, my final decision was to continue to use this outlet to share, express, encourage, witness, etc.

So much has happened since the last post! I have grown SO MUCH spiritually and otherwise. I am currently on a daniel fast (part 2 of a two week church wide fast with New Life Church) and it is pretty awesome (meaning my diet is virtually vegan, actually, a little stricter, for the next few days) even though there is no twitter or facebook for me. I mean, not that i need it. I am taking six courses this term! (some body say WHOOOWEE!) but it will all be worth it once i have my degree! gotta get the dean's list gpa if i want to transfer to one of my undergrads of choice. Also BIG UPDATE! i, along with some other sisters in Christ, will be working on a NEW ministry called Movements of (G)race! it will be a culmination of music, spoken word, praise dance, video blogs, discussion...whatever gifts w e have we are going to offer it back to the Lord! I want to be a woman who DOES SOMETHING for the Kingdom with my singleness and youth! The world is aching and we have something to offer...the TRUTH, PEACE, and LOVE of Christ! 

anywho, lots going on and so many thing i want to write about and share with you...but i also want your feed back. what grinds your gears? what's on your mind? what questions do you have? what topics are being ignored? what are you excited about? and all that jazz!
i am excited for this school  year, for the remainder of 2010, for my newly renovated walk with Christ! and i am excited for you, because your yesterdays are not your todays, and your todays have the power to change your tomorrows! you are a miracle, you are beautiful, you are a blessing, and you can be change if you allow it! speak positivity, breathe positivity, have FAITH, and you will LIVE positivity! be back REAL soon!

on that note,