Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Gonna Get Married!

 "For your Maker is your husband 
    the Lord Almighty is his name—
the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; 
    he is called the God of all the earth"

Isaiah 54: 5 NIV

I get butterflies when I think about the Bridegroom...I can't wait til our wedding. 
I get anxious and giddy and excited whenever I know I'm going to meet Him. 
I want to write Him love letters, I read His love letter to me daily. 
His embrace feels better than human arms. His words rest in my marrow. 
I can't get Him off my mind, I'm unapologetically obsessed. 
I love I love I love I love my first love, the King of kings who sits on the throne and reigns forevermore. 
He is the greatest and best love I will ever know. 
Any other love experienced is only a mere replica of His agape towards me. 
I will live and die and eat and breathe and sing and glorify His love, From now to eternity. He never stops pursuing me, there for I give Him my life.

So, How Much is Social Network Value

Sometimes, I am on facebook and other social networks like...

I hope ya'll study as well as you take pictures

I hope you get as many A's as photo likes

I hope your profs are as big of fans of your academic achievement as your fb groupies are of your posts. 

I hope the number of retweets you have pales in comparison to the financial investments you are making.

Because really, at the end of the day, being facebook famous doesn't make your parents proud, doesn't get you a degree, and doesn't pay your bills. And ladies, pretty fades but beauty lasts. Few things are more beautiful than a beautiful mind. I'm just saying.

Monday, June 11, 2012

THE WORD IS BREAD...are you eating?


"...Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord."

Deuteronomy 8:3 NIV

"I have not departed from his commands,
    but have treasured his words more than daily food."

Job 23:12 NLT

Your words were found, and I ate them,
    and your words became to me a joy
    and the delight of my heart,
for I am called by your name,
    O Lord, God of hosts.

Jeremiah 15:16 ESV

The Word of God is our spiritual sustenance. It provides all the spiritual nutrients we need to survive. It is a source of spiritual energy, it fortifies our spiritual bones and is ESSENTIAL to our spiritual health...so then why do many of us starve ourselves, but try and boast as if we are feasting?

When someone is not eating, after a period of time, the effects of malnutrition or starvation are apparent. They look thin, frail, and weak. They have very little energy or strength. Yet those are only the effects we see. There is an extended list of internal health issues that are effects of not eating, and they are deteriorating from the inside out. Ultimately, you can only go without food for so long before you DIE.

It is very much the same spiritually. When you aren't eating, after a while...people notice. The effects of malnutrition are apparent. Your spiritual life is thin, frail, and weak. You have very little energy or strength. Deeper than that, there are many severe spiritual issues that are effects of not eating, and you are deteriorating from the inside out. Ultimately, you can only go without the Word for so long before you DIE.

Then there is nibbling. You know, a bite of a snack here or there but nothing with sustenance. A scripture here or there, we crack open our bible during church service just to get a taste, but refrain from feeding the true hunger of our soul during the rest of the week...

so, Question: why are we spiritual anorexics? Why do many of us willingly starve ourselves? Why do we love proclaiming the benefits of the Word and the salvation written in the Word but we don't even eat it?

I say, part of it is a distorted body image. We don't really understand what the BODY of Christ is or what it should look like. It is not superficiality, or Sunday's best, or verbal praise with no life to back it up. It is not sounding good, or looking good, or doing just enough to get by. It is the fullness of the love and power and glory of Christ manifested through us, His hands and feet. We are to be the light, but if we do not fill our bellies with that light, how then, can it exude through us. Some of us think that we are spiritually fat when really every one with discernment can tell that we are starving.  

AM I perfect? NO WAY! This convicts me as it does every reader. But I thank God for the Word! I can't even articulate it! 

See, our flesh tries to cheat us out of one of the greatest gifts given, the Word of God, by implanting an indifferent attitude towards our bible life, or lack of focus, or lack of priority for the Word...it's only a trick of the enemy to weaken us because everything we need is right there in the Word! Everything!

THE WORD IS SO DELICIOUS!! YUM YUM YUMMY! I see why the enemy fights us SO HARD to read it! All his dirty little secrets are revealed, and the Power and Love of the ALMIGHTY GOD is manifested and made known! Our power in Christ is demonstrated...every attack satan can ever try to inflict we can counter, and even do preemptive damage by consuming the Word AND applying it WITH faith! Glory!

I thank God for the Word! It is my strength, it is my lifeline, it is my comfort, it is my assurance, it is my help; it is the voice my Father sends to console me, uplift me, chastise me, confirm His love for me; it is my counsel, it is my wisdom, it is my knowledge, it is my guidance; it sends peace, it purifies my soul, it breathes life into my spirit; it is always right on time and perfectly prescribed. I thank God for His Word! and I thank Him that His Word became flesh and died for me!

we must DEVOUR the Word! it is our lifeline! we cannot get by on nibbling...we must fully consume it! Digest it  until it gets deep into our marrow and our bloodstream; until it dwells fully in our hearts. 

so ask yourself, truly...are you eating?

Facebook posts while in Nicaragua

I was in Nicaragua for 3 weeks on a service trip...definitely a landmark spiritually and naturally...here are some posts while I was there

If I wrote a praise the length of the equator it still would not equate to the honor God deserves. 
I couldn't compose a melody to match the wonder of Your name. 
If the vastness of the universe is a measurement of greatness, then the galaxies do pale in comparison to You. Thank You Lord for who You are. 
Thank You Lord for all you do.

I love being here and I love what I do!! Everyday that I get to work and make a difference is an amazing day. I am so thankful for the opportunity God has placed in my lap and the mind He has given me to pursue it. Let me tell ya'll favor aint fair, but it sure is mine! In the past two days I've had two different offers to do over seas service work at some point in the next 12 months because of the way I have interacted and worked thus far. People are giving me all these compliments but little do they know, it's not about me or my ability at all- It's all God! He guides and creates and directs, I'm simply the tool He's using to do so! The illumination they see in me is the LIGHT of Jesus Christ!

Photo: <3 my absolute favorite part about nicaragua....helping people! 

In love with life right now because:
-Saw the cutest monkey walking down the street 
-Met the most adorable baby..she fell in love with me, and her name just happened to be GABY!
-Had the best banana split EVER (fig, coconut, and mint fruit ice cream...& not only could you never get that in the states, but it tastes WAY better than it sounds)
-The sweetest two year old boy kept smiling at me and blowing besitos *heart melts*
-Saw the most gorgeous scenery where the blue and orange sky meet the sea at dusk

The best part? I'm in love with the Maker of it ALL
♥ *le sigh* Good times

Every time I leave home
Whenever I leave the country
I find an abundance of blessings that surround me and become apparent in many different ways
One being that in the face of lack my gratitude increases exponentially
In the absence of my loved ones
My appreciation for them intensifies immensely
In sacrifice, my love for the Savior of my soul is purified and re-birthed
& I remember that I have the face of favor

Photo: :)


Everybody shouting and posting and exclaiming the life they're living and the content of their character....have fun with that. I'll be busy living it. The best way to prove that I'm an unquestionably inexchangeable individual with a simply spectacular valor is to actualize my greatness...not describe it. You can read what I write, or watch what I live. I'll make sure they say the same thing, believe that #yatusabes

SO EXCITED we got to work at la biblioteca movil...cleaning and repairing books for los ninos!!

Laying in the sun on a rock near the beach today (cause I have no problems getting dark chocolate) I hear some natives (who no doubt assume I'm a non-spanish speaking tourist) say:

"Ay, mirar la morena en el SOL! Que? Curtido? Ay, Pobrecita"
or something very similar to that effect...which basically means
"oh look at the brown/dark girl in the SUN! what? like she's tanning? Oh poor thing!"

WAIT so ya'll thought I didn't understand you? Ah, can't even escape racism a thousand miles away, smh. Pero, me gusta mi chocolate! so #BAM!
de Nicaragua 2012

no tengo ropas, pero tengo bendiciones abundantes! Gracias Senor!

Love like Crazy (1/20/12)

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. 
Well I must love like crazy, then. Despite how people disappoint me, hurt me, or fail to reciprocate...I love fervently and whole heartedly any how.
Pain in my past does not stop me from giving love in my future. 
I give the same compassionate love, with hope hidden somewhere that even though I'm loving just as i always have, maybe this person will be changed by it. 
At the end of the day, isn't that what love is anyways? Forgiving? Unconditional? Untainted by circumstance? 
So love in itself is illogical...it's nonsensical...it's crazy.

Here is my heart (I AM SORRY JESUS)

Jesus. I'm sorry for ever loving you more with my mouth than with my heart.

I'm sorry for ever accepting the reality of my circumstance over the dominating and absolute truth of your perfect Word.

I am sorry for every time you've promised me something and I began to fret instead of rest, invited doubt instead of dwelling in peace, or became anxious instead of confident.

Jesus, I am sorry for being complacent when you are ever pining after me.

I am sorry for any time I have ever given you my heart on Sunday worship only to let distractions borrow it for the week.

I am sorry if I ever treated you as an after thought or a last minute obligation instead of the first-place love.

I'm sorry if my faith dwindled as if to ignore the true AWESOMENESS of who YOU are.

I'm sorry if I ever thought my words, tweets, or posts were enough or adequate replacement for intimacy with you.

I am sorry for choosing self gratification over consecration.

I am sorry for ever putting and self in the righteousness YOUR BLOOD paid for me.

Jesus, I am sorry for telling you I give you everything but in my heart meaning everything on my terms.

Jesus, I am sorry for falling short when you have given me the power to over come the world.

I am sorry because I know this will not be my last "I'm sorry".

I'm sorry for ever hurting you or living as anything less the woman you have created me to be.

I'm sorry for allowing your light to be dim.

I'm sorry for ever taking away the glory you deserve.

I'm sorry for speaking when I should be quiet, and being quiet when I should be led by your spirit.

I'm sorry for victimizing myself when you have declared me MORE than a conqueror.

Daddy, I am yours, forever. You are mine, forever. I am your bride. I will be everything you have called me to be because I love you. If I cannot love you with everything that I have, fully, submissively, sacrificially, and completely, I have no business being called a child of the Most High God.

I turn from my wicked ways, and I humble myself before you, my King.

Friday, June 8, 2012

love as one

lyrics i wrote for a project peace song (lyrics aren't gonna be used so i thought i would share anyway...written in 2008)

The sun arose on the horizon

And so did my sight

the air was thick with tears

And cries filled up my ears

as I watched the dark of today 

paint up the skies

and swirls of red 

bright as all the blood shed

and the grays, and the blues

showing the lost and confused

and raindrops for every tear

and every child locked in their fears

for every mouth going un-fed

for every word left un-said

and I could cry

who painted this vision of our demise?

Then I heard a still peace

quiet that spoke to me

Released the sword from the sheath

My heart told me to believe

Love is the only cure 

to this disease

love, compassion, royalty

Qu3eN G

Son in the sky

my eyes saw Fire pour from the Son filled skies
i watched as God's hand carefully gripped the heavenly skillet containing the Blaze
blowing Life ever so gingerly over this holy molten concoction of
miracle plated cells, holding Jesus in every nucleus
and instead of cooling down the Glory
the Brilliance combusted into a blinding Radiance
and my Spirit caught a fever
the Living water began bubbling
dripping over the edges
trickling through a dark sin thick atmosphere
clouds so thick hope wasn't even visible
and the living water started to touch us
the Fire of the Spirit started to spin
painting swirls of wildFire
it's Flames stretched out it's arms
circled us, the Fire was crying HOLY HOLY HOLY!
the Flames crying in fervor, in worship
the majestic Embers began to wrap up
the Fire and the Water
creating a spiritual chemical reaction
hot enough to melt the chains of sin and watch them drip back to the hell they came from
because captivity just wasn't in Christ's recipe
the water that turned to calvary blood
strong enough to engulf sin and spew it out
overpowering and consuming
sparks burst from the heavenly realms
and danced in our spirit
wrapping up our tongues
and transforming our eyes
that we might transport from flesh to the Spirit
covering human ears so our souls would hear
the coming of the Messiah like raindrops that mate with Fire
we are reborn to witness an elemental astonishment
with closed eyes and hyssop kissed hearts
my eyes saw Fire descend from the Son filled skies
as darts like burning wings created a regal pavement
and a horse white, unstained like the slained Lamb
rode each Flame, it's hooves gliding with each flicker
so radiant our natural eyes could not behold it
and along the path the angels bowed
crowns of their head touching the floor
as they cried HOLY HOLY HOLY
crying earnestly, in worship
ontop the Horse was the Word
was the Protection of the hebrew boys in the blazes of the king
was the Miracle in the womb of the chosen, a call mary
was the Sight for the blind man
and Redemption for the harlot
was the Torture for the demons
and the Downfall of the enemy
and atop the Horse was the Word
the origin of the Fire
the source of the Water
the body that held the Blood
atop the horse was my Father
My Savior, the Son
atop the Horse was my LIFE
and earth's sun paled in comparisson to His glory
and i fell on my face
and inhaled, that i might utterly drown in His glory
that i might just be suicidal and die in my carnal to live in His Spirit
i looked up, i looked up,
and my eyes saw FIRE fall from Son filled skies like a reverse tsunami
like heaven was the ocean
and the Spirit of God descended on us
and it felt, so good to burn
to drown, and to burn
searing the flesh so the soul might live-life-light
like-live-life-right like
live i think i might i, think i might live
then suddenly i felt a pain in my back and my side
and He said savor the chastisement
you've been adopted
i only chastise them that I love, and of all my creations I love you the highest
and tears fell from my eyes like the Fire fell from heaven
i felt the pain in back subside...
you're in labor my child
birthing a miracle
and your child will be lyrical
so you call tell the story of when
your eyes saw fire pour from the Son filled skies

love, compassion, royalty