Everybody's got a body. This is a call to action.
Let's say my church building had a beautiful interior and a glorious sanctuary...but externally, it was falling apart, the paint on the walls was chipping and the outside of the building was unappealing. Would I say, "well the inside looks beautiful, so who really cares if there's rust on the doors?"
You better believe I would never rest with it staying in that condition! This is the house of God! I have reverence for it! Every part of His house should reflect that honor and reverence. The first thing people see is the outside. They should know from jump that someone cares deeply about the purpose of this building.
[insert LIGHTBULB moment here]
Jesus reminds me daily that I am a temple. Not made of bricks, but flesh and blood. Jesus lives here! This is the house of God! I have to have reverence for it!
"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?"
1 Corinthians 3:16
So, I have resolved to make some home improvements. As I'm allowing God to work on my heart and spiritual health, I want Him to work on the WHOLE HOUSE as well.
"For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's"
1 Corinthians 6:20 KJV
A spiritual foundation is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING (and I cannot stress that enough). However, every part of my body and my life should be evidence of striving for excellence because as a child of God, I REFLECT HIM! Only presenting some areas beautifully is like saying that the beat up building with the beautiful sanctuary is okay.
What is the way you present yourself and care for yourself saying about who you serve?
As marvelous and adorned as the temple Solomon built was, God yet chose His children to be His temples. Walking epistles, in fact! We are to be living, breathing proof of the Word (2 Corinthians 3:2-3). Yes, that means US, flawed and imperfect as we are. He could have chosen absolutely anywhere to dwell...and He has sanctified us that He might dwell right in our hearts. The GOD of the universe CHOSE to live here! Let that sink in.
If God is living here, it should be the best possible residence for Him. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. I don't want to limit the way God wants to be glorified, the way God wants to move, or the way God wants to use me by lack of health in any of those areas.
So many of us live in extremes. We are so obsessed with the superficial that we spiritually starve to death, or we are so uber holy that we neglect our bodies, our appearance, and a host of other things.
Is it crazy to think that we should consider God in everything we do...even something as simple as what we wear or what we eat? I don't think it is! If we're in Christ, our bodies, souls, and spirits belong to Him.
"What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?"
1 Corinthians 6:19 KJV
EVERYTHING is His. And we do everything as unto the Lord! So, how you talk to people, how you dress, how you take care of yourself, how you think...that's all a form of worship! It doesn't begin and end during church service.
I firmly believe that God wants holistic health and holistic prosperity for us! He is concerned about every single part of you, your WHOLE being. We put God in a box if we believe otherwise. Our mind, body, soul, and spirit are all connected. I believe everything in the natural is tied to the spiritual, and we can't reach our full potential trying to compartmentalize and separate the spiritual from everything else. He wants our faith to abound as well as our fitness, family, and finances. No, I'm not saying everyone will be rich, but we are all called to live richly through Christ. Rich relationships, rich revelation, rich experiences in Him and through Him.
"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth"
3 John 1:2
There is NOTHING mediocre about a child of God.
He wants the best for us. He has literally given the greatest thing He could for our very sake...HIMSELF.
So, will dressing raggedy send you to hell? Will being physically unhealthy pull you out of heaven? No, probably not. BUT why wouldn't we seek to exemplify abundant life? Why wouldn't we want every area of our lives to be a perfect atmosphere for God's name to be glorified?
This isn't about having loads of money, or looking like a supermodel. This is about being your best self.
It's time for a life check. Are you the building with the jacked up exterior and gorgeous interior? Or are you the beautiful building with a run down interior (1 Samuel 16:7, 1 Peter 3:3-4)? Are you somewhere in the middle?
I'm on a mission to make some life changes. I want to live in the more of God, and the best of my purpose. Who is with me?
Take honor for this temple. Do the very best with what you have, as unto the Lord, and God will do the rest. I promise...actually, He promised.
love, compassion, royalty
P.S. What are some HOME IMPROVEMENTS you are making? What's your take on this? Let me know in the comments below!