"...for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart."
-I Samuel 16:7
WE may see the physical, and attach all the negative assumptions that come with that. But far beyond physical characteristics, the Lord values CHARACTER; and the HEART of a man. Regardless of how someone may look, it can NEVER determine the integrity of their heart. You can only do so much with aesthetics; but you can move mountains with a true heart. I pray to turn more from my natural tendency to focus on the "outward appearance" and lean on the Holy Spirit within me's desire to "looketh on the heart". because even in the body of a child is the heart of a king <3
-I Samuel 16:7
"And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD's, and he will give you into our hands"
(p.s. this pic has david looking way too grown man and buff lol)
I don't fight my enemies, God does. Tell your enemies who handles your battles. and let them know they better prepare to lose.
1SAMUEL 17:47
1SAMUEL 18:11-12
"...And Saul saw and knew that the LORD was with David, and that Michal Saul's daughter loved him. And Saul was yet the more afraid of David; and Saul became David's enemy continually."
1SAMUEL 18:28
see, saul was resisted of God because he was disobedient; meanwhile, david, a mere youth, not only smote a giant of the enemy, but was chosen by God to replace Saul and be King because of His obedience, and his love for the one true living God. Saul even tried to let david die by the hands of the Philistines...the thing is, when God is on your side, who can be against you? what weapons shall prosper? needless to say, Saul's plan failed.
People are going to hate you because their disobedience has cursed them;
or because your lifestyle of holiness convicts them;
and their envy will manifest! they will resent your progress and prosperity because the Lord is blessing you and has favor on you (Obedience=Prosperity). They will try to bring you down to their level, to attack the goodness in your life. but fret not! Against The Author and finisher of our fate; the Alpha and Omega; the Almighty God, who can defeat? who can succeed in defying Him? Just know that there is GREATNESS in you when there is GOD in you. and trust me, God will dust the haters off FOR you!
God is so Deliciously GREAT!
Love, Compassion, Royalty
Qu3eN G
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