Monday, June 11, 2012

THE WORD IS BREAD...are you eating?


"...Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord."

Deuteronomy 8:3 NIV

"I have not departed from his commands,
    but have treasured his words more than daily food."

Job 23:12 NLT

Your words were found, and I ate them,
    and your words became to me a joy
    and the delight of my heart,
for I am called by your name,
    O Lord, God of hosts.

Jeremiah 15:16 ESV

The Word of God is our spiritual sustenance. It provides all the spiritual nutrients we need to survive. It is a source of spiritual energy, it fortifies our spiritual bones and is ESSENTIAL to our spiritual then why do many of us starve ourselves, but try and boast as if we are feasting?

When someone is not eating, after a period of time, the effects of malnutrition or starvation are apparent. They look thin, frail, and weak. They have very little energy or strength. Yet those are only the effects we see. There is an extended list of internal health issues that are effects of not eating, and they are deteriorating from the inside out. Ultimately, you can only go without food for so long before you DIE.

It is very much the same spiritually. When you aren't eating, after a while...people notice. The effects of malnutrition are apparent. Your spiritual life is thin, frail, and weak. You have very little energy or strength. Deeper than that, there are many severe spiritual issues that are effects of not eating, and you are deteriorating from the inside out. Ultimately, you can only go without the Word for so long before you DIE.

Then there is nibbling. You know, a bite of a snack here or there but nothing with sustenance. A scripture here or there, we crack open our bible during church service just to get a taste, but refrain from feeding the true hunger of our soul during the rest of the week...

so, Question: why are we spiritual anorexics? Why do many of us willingly starve ourselves? Why do we love proclaiming the benefits of the Word and the salvation written in the Word but we don't even eat it?

I say, part of it is a distorted body image. We don't really understand what the BODY of Christ is or what it should look like. It is not superficiality, or Sunday's best, or verbal praise with no life to back it up. It is not sounding good, or looking good, or doing just enough to get by. It is the fullness of the love and power and glory of Christ manifested through us, His hands and feet. We are to be the light, but if we do not fill our bellies with that light, how then, can it exude through us. Some of us think that we are spiritually fat when really every one with discernment can tell that we are starving.  

AM I perfect? NO WAY! This convicts me as it does every reader. But I thank God for the Word! I can't even articulate it! 

See, our flesh tries to cheat us out of one of the greatest gifts given, the Word of God, by implanting an indifferent attitude towards our bible life, or lack of focus, or lack of priority for the's only a trick of the enemy to weaken us because everything we need is right there in the Word! Everything!

THE WORD IS SO DELICIOUS!! YUM YUM YUMMY! I see why the enemy fights us SO HARD to read it! All his dirty little secrets are revealed, and the Power and Love of the ALMIGHTY GOD is manifested and made known! Our power in Christ is demonstrated...every attack satan can ever try to inflict we can counter, and even do preemptive damage by consuming the Word AND applying it WITH faith! Glory!

I thank God for the Word! It is my strength, it is my lifeline, it is my comfort, it is my assurance, it is my help; it is the voice my Father sends to console me, uplift me, chastise me, confirm His love for me; it is my counsel, it is my wisdom, it is my knowledge, it is my guidance; it sends peace, it purifies my soul, it breathes life into my spirit; it is always right on time and perfectly prescribed. I thank God for His Word! and I thank Him that His Word became flesh and died for me!

we must DEVOUR the Word! it is our lifeline! we cannot get by on nibbling...we must fully consume it! Digest it  until it gets deep into our marrow and our bloodstream; until it dwells fully in our hearts. 

so ask yourself, truly...are you eating?

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