Friday, June 8, 2012

A little study on PROVERBS 31

I did a study on the traits of a Proverbs 31 woman a little while back. Recently, I've been praying about discipline, and decided to take a deeper look into the Proverbs 31 woman. I was really blessed by it so I shared with some of my sisters and wanted to share with you all...hope it blesses!

Since I am praying for discipline I re-did a study on Proverbs 31...reading different translations, and re-did the list of characteristics..I find that Prov. 31 is such a powerful is so detailed, but we need to dig deeper than our vain repetitions. We as women really have a laid out instruction that tells us exactly what we should do, who we should be, and exactly what we should strive for. 

To be a real Proverbs 31 is a REAL task that takes CONTINUAL work, effort, chastisement, and humility! I realize there is no "gee I made it, I'm the perfect Proverbs 31", but it is more so a consistent and determined strive to become that woman throughout our lives. 

Did I mention work? I never realized how much the scripture truly mentions how much she works or references her work ethic. WE CANNOT BE LAZY AND UNDISCIPLINED AND CONSIDERED A PROVERBS 31 WOMAN! 

We tend to isolate traits certain people have and say, oh wow she's kind, she's smart...such a Proverbs 31 woman. But the POWER of  a Proverbs 31 isn't that she carries a couple traits, but ALL of them at the same time. No, that doesn't mean PERFECTION but it means constant striving. It's about getting to a place where you constantly strive for that and you more frequently hit the mark than not. 

Think about it. The bible says that this woman of excellence (Wendy, I peeped that SHE carries the spirit of excellence we were talking daniel!) is RARE! It says that "Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all".  If it is so rare, and if all these women actually do virtuously but this specific woman excels or surpasses them all...everybody is not going to be a Proverbs 31. That's reality! It is a HIGH standard. BUT all women of God who are Spirit filled and Spirit led do have the potential to be. The defining factor is actualizing that potential. Our effort will separate the good women from the excellent women.

The only way she can achieve that level of excellence is by and through total submission to God. If you aren't totally submitted, you CAN'T be a Proverbs 31 (in her essence). There is no other way to achieve such a high standard...these aren't merely acts of the flesh but multiple manifestations of the fruit of the Spirit. This is why so many women fall short. It's not just in the actions, it's a matter of the heart and spirit. All those traits can come once we've fully submitted our hearts to God and His will in total REVERENCE.

Her character glorifies God. Her day to day life is a worship to Him...even in her smallest actions, the character of God can be seen. That is powerful. Sisters, we have a MIGHTY position in the Lord. If we get this thing right...we'll be turning this world upside down.

Gee, I have so much to work on! But I'm excited about it!

p.s. please feel free to respond, add on, etc.!

The List:
Hard Worker/works eagerly /with delight!(even when no one is working)
Her presence is a blessing
Well respected
Has integrity
rises early to work
Invests, Builds up
Strong from her love
Compassionate & Generous (to all needy)
A woman of QUALITY
Confident & Regal (not cocky, not insecure)
Business minded
Always mindful of others/doing for others
Keeps her house/maintains the atmosphere of her home…she regularly contributes
She’s aware/in-tune with the needs/people of her household
She is a starter AND a finisher
Well balanced
She respects what she has (her home, her family, her things)
Independent yet submissive! (she can handle her own)
She is not solely a wife, but a woman of God in her own right (Her identity is in the Lord)
She is an exceptional wife and mother & fulfills those roles wholeheartedly
She brings her husband honor
She is as royalty, she carries herself well
Optimistic/looks forward to the future
She speaks the Word
She makes the most out of her opportunities
She makes her husband to feel content- her actions remind him regularly that she is his blessing
Humble (though everyone praises her, she never needs to praise herself because…)
Makes everyone feel special/she is inclusive (her home, her servants, other workers i.e. merchants)
Rational (thoughtful)
She has a merry countenance (she makes the people around her happy)
She is good at managing her money (hello!)
She knows her worth and the value of the work she does
She does not lag or procrastinate but is instant
She is kind/meek in her words and speaks with purpose

Thank God for being a woman :)

love, compassion, royalty


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